- Satisfaction Guarantee
- No questions asked policy. Try us out, and get your money back if you’re not happy with the results / service for any reason.
- “You don’t have to fully commit today. Why don’t you just try us out, and then make up your mind? Worst case scenario, we just send your money back”
- Results Guarantee
- Guarantees that only apply when the client fails to get a specific result after completing the steps you require them to take.
- In these cases you usually link the requirement of the guarantee the thing that makes people successful (for example training for 60 days straight in a fitness program, or doing X number of sales calls in a business program).
- Personal Support Guarantee
- Similar to the results based guarantee where the guarantee kicks in when they don’t achieve a specific results after completing the required steps you assign. However, instead of giving people their money back - you promise to personally help them out with achieving their goal.
- Example: I’ll help you go from zero to $10k per month in ecommerce in my program, and if I don’t I’ll personally work with you for free until you do!
- Implied Guarantees (Performance Based)
- As the name says, implied guarantees are unspoken guarantees. These guarantees usually stem from performance based work, where they client intuitively knows you’re guaranteeing to help them succeed by working with them
- Example: You only pay us, when we bring you leads & deals that close.
- Example: You only pay us 10% of every deal we find and close for you!